Friday, July 11, 2008

An Introduction

Good day, my dears.

Introductions are crucial to the way we live. They give us glimpses of people, of places, of just about anything. Often, like movie previews, they tell us whether we will love what follows or whether we should save our ten dollars and put it in our shoes fund. We rely on introductions to open up different pathways; they present us with individuals, groups, subjects, stories, and more in a way that doesn't require commitment but instead allows us to have a taste of everything. After being introduced, we are still able to put back the drab and bitter vegetables and hang on to the true delicacies.

Seeing as to how it is so important, I obviously have to introduce the blog. Like I've mentioned before, what I aim to talk about is so much more than pretty dresses. Life of Style is not a simple shirt; it's not a three-piece suit, an outfit, or even an entire wardrobe. This diary is the whole room, the whole house, maybe even the whole street. I might go on to say the whole city, province, country, continent, and planet, but that would be stretching it.

First and foremost, this blog is for writing. It's my free zone, where I can let loose and follow the words. I happened to choose style as a topic because it's what I want to explore.

I should say this before I go any further. Style, to me, is not clothes, not fashion, not even looking good. It's not what you do with your hair, or what kind of cut appears most in your closet. Style is not what. Style is how. How you dress yourself, how you hold yourself, how you see yourself. How you spend your days. How you treat your world. How you live your life.

And that is what this blog is about.

Until next time.

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